The holidays are quickly upon us. Many parents want to take this opportunity to provide their children with toys that meet their child’s needs as well as wants. Here are some online resources that you may find helpful, not only in this season but year-round. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of a particular item for you child, check with your child’s therapist.

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Check out Co-op America’s Guide to Green Toys. In particular notice #8 Family Pastimes board games which includes many cooperative board games. Not only good for building cooperation, but really nice for those children who have difficulty losing or who are obsessed with winning.

Hearthsong offers a wide selection of classic toys and creative craft kits. The fairy mobile in the hall of the Chapel Hill office was made from a Chinaberry kit.

And finally Chinaberry is a wonderful resource for children’s books. Their catalog is a feast of wonderful books, with detailed descriptions provided.